Price for 1 track – 20 Euro (2 revisions)
Extra Revisions – 5 Euro per revision
Special rate of 15 Eur per track when ordering with a vinyl!
Simply add “Audio Mastering (1 Track)”, choose the amount from the cart from the “Create a vinyl” menu to the cart and upload your tracks HERE
By ordering Mastering with Phonocats, you are ensuring yourself that your tracks will sound balanced, warm, saturated and will transcribe onto a Lathe cut vinyl in a best possible fashion.
Be warned…we do not make mastering that sounds like radio hits…we do Mastering that will take you back to the ’90s with a modern twist. We love it fat, creamy and juicy. Sound examples may be found HERE
- Do not use a limiter on the Master Bus! Like…never.
- You can use slight compression on the Master but we recommend you not. You can leave the eq (if any) if you think it’s the tone you are looking for.
- The mix is totally up to you. We will contact you regarding eventual mix issues preventing us from making the track sounding superb.
- Files should be WAV only! 24 bit preferably but 16 bit will be always fine as well.
- Leave Headroom! In other words…tracks should be peaking at -6db (max!)